My boy is 3! Dominic turned 3 today and we had a pool party at the Cambria pool clubhouse. Pizza, swimming, and fun! It was a great day. Everyone swam, ate and the kids played. I still can't believe he's 3. He's accomplished so much in a year! From talking better, to potty training, now off to preschool! He's still very busy. Loves Spiderman and Transformers, Popsicles and swimming. He's growing up fast!


He's 3!

Dominic playing Wii.. why everyone was eating.

Dominic, Ian and Alyssa

Alaina and Kycee

Cade and Kyler
Valerie, Nolan and Xander

Cale and Louie

Valerie and Gabriella

Hagrid and Ky Ky..
Splish Splash!

Dominic with his two favorite girls!

Happy Birthday Dominic!

Dominic got spiderman bike!!