Lots of blue eye shadow, a purple wig, and some fairy wings....... and you get a Scary Fairy! A plastic hook, a pirate hat and a goofy smile... you get Captain Hook!
Cute little antenna, black and red tutu, and a big smile.... makes the cutest lady bug ever!
Tonight we went up to Gardner Village to see the witches. I didn't know what to expect I had never been. It was a blast! Next year I am taking the kids in the day and going with friends at night in costume! It was so much fun. Shelby and Alyssa loved it.
Today we took Dominic and Koya to the pumpkin patch. They had a lot of fun going through the corn maze. Looking at the animals and just playing on the play ground.
Wow! Briella is a month old already! How time flies. She's such a good baby. She's eating 3oz every 4 hours and sleeps from 10-4 every night and then eats and sleeps from 4:30-9. She smiled her first real big smile on October 13th. They aren't consistant though so i'm not sure if it counts yet or not.. lol.
I had Briella's pictures taken by Becca Nae. She's amazing! But I haven't gotten them back yet. So Alaina came over to do Kycee's 6th month and I took a couple of Briella. They turned out alright. I don't love the pink background it's too bright!