Thursday, February 21, 2013

One year update!

Jose's doing really well. I can't believe it has been one year from today that he was diagnosed with Leukemia. We went to up to LDS. He is still taking oral chemo theraphy and does ok with it. His body can't seem to filter the Methotrexate very well and it causes his liver enzymes to climb. The doctors take him off for a few weeks let them come down. Then resume on a lower dose until they increase again. He is still having issues with his lips blistering and gets really tired and grumpy the days he takes methotrexate. But, all things considered he's doing fantastic.

 He just recently had a PML/RAR alpha T (15:17) test done to make sure there was no abnormal chromosomes in his blood. It came back clean. He will continue the oral chemo medication until July when they will do a final bone marrow test. At that point he will just be monitored every six months. We see a light at the end of this long tunnel and have been so blessed this last year with so many things.

PML/RAR alpha t (15:17)

What is PML/RAR alpha t (15:17)?
NameNormal Range01/15 201307/12 201202/22 2012
PML-RAR Quantitative Result0.000000.000000.21876Graph

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