Tuesday, March 27, 2012


   Jose's neutrophils were at 800 today. Plateletes were at 250,000. So excited that he is getting to come home. I learned how to change the bandage and flush his line. That was neat. He is being sent home with 7 medications. Vitamin D, a special multivitamin that has no iron, Atra (oral chemo medication), Acyclovair (aniviral so he doesn't get virus's), Omeprazole (for upset stomach and heartburn). These are what he'll take daily. The other two are just as needed for pain and nausea. Much better than the 5 pages he had prior to this. We still have a long road ahead but at least we can do it from home. For now at least.
   The plan of attack is he'll go in Friday for a bone marrow biopsy and if that comes back that he's in remission he'll stop taking the Atra. They will wait a couple days and he'll start the next round of chemo. He'll take the Atra for 15 days followed by 4 days of chemo. Then have 3 weeks of rest. Then he'll do a 3 day round of chemo and 15 days Atra. Then the last round of 2 days chemo and 15 days Atra. If he is still in remission at this point. He'll go onto the oral chemotheraphy for a year.
    I'm so excited to get my kids back on a schedule and not be up at the hospital so much. Briella has been terrible with sleeping the last little while. Because, i've been gone so much. I'm excited to get her back on track and spend some time with the kids. They have been neglected through all this. We have been blessed around every corner.

Today is the day!
Enjoying his red chair and home!

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