Saturday, November 26, 2011


I'm so glad they got to have a little fun why they where here. Dominic has missed Nolan so much!

Friday, November 25, 2011

The next 30 years....

Today is my 30th birthday. I can't believe it. When did I grow up? I don't feel older than when I was 19. Maybe have more bills. I've been very blessed in this life so far. I just hope to enjoy life more. Here's to my next 30 years.. as the good ole Tim McGraw would say.
Happy Birthday to me!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Thanksgiving this year. The more the merrier. We had a small but nice dinner at Grandma's. Valerie was here with Baby Leah. Everything was super yummy! I'm so thankful for my family and friends. We are very blessed.

Cheeks sneaking food.

I'm gonna be 30 tomorrow! Happy Birthday to me!

My two favorite boys.

Mommy and cheeks!

Annoyed family not wanting to smile!

Grandma and Louie


My beautiful girl!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Breaking Dawn Part 1

During Fall Break, Valerie had to bring the boys to see there dad. They just happened to have there visitation right around say.. BREAKING DAWN! We've attended all the TwilightMOM events together I was so glad she was here. We had a blast. It is always fun to see good friends!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Cell phone photos

I always am taking photos with my cell phone.
Here are a some I took in October!

Briella loves to play with our phones!

She's 2!



Awesome rainbow!

Putting her shoes on!

me and my boy!

Cheeks with doggieleo in a purse

She ran out of paper!

piggy back rides!

Mommy and cheeks!

Briella and Kycee. These two are SO cute!

Just chillin

Playing on the phone!